1.- The extension will affect server performance?

CPU usage ranges from 1% to 3% on a normal scenario. The extension should not consume more CPU than indicated in a normal scenario. In case of a massive attack, it is possible to exceed this threshold while mitigating it. During the first 72 hours the system is learning and detecting the behaviour of active services, this situation creates temporary CPU load spikes that last less than a minute. If the CPU would exceed 95% of the resources, due to the operating system or other applications; the extension will pause for 3 minutes and then continue analysing from the moment of the pause recovering those 3 minutes.

2.- Is my website or IIS Server displaying an error page?

The extension should not cause any errors, but to discard it, try disabling the IIS module and wait 2 minutes or restart the web service.

If still the same error, you can uninstall the IIS module from the command line:

%plesk_dir%var\modules\flex-firewall-manager\FlexFirewallSetup /uninstallModule && iisreset

If it remains the same, you can discard that the extension is the reason for the error. You can install the module from the command line:

%plesk_dir%var\modules\flex-firewall-manager\FlexFirewallSetup /installModule